This analog electronic birdsong generator circuit is comprised of 5 transistor oscillators, several passive filters, and an audio transformer “voice” generator.
PCB fine art edition, WIP /
Birds, electricity, anthropocene /
Birds and the circuits that surround us.
Detail of new work in progress /
Ghost Bird /
Pretty Bird gets Bigger /
My Pretty Bird circuit is about to fly to China and get bigger.
Songbirds on my lawn /
Here are six transparent pepakura-style songbirds, each containing a unique, analog electronic sound generator. The birds are linked by rainbow cables to a breadboarded computer (i.e, “bird brain”) that uses shift registers, astable multivibrators, and transistor switches to achieve a pseudorandom sequence… so the bird’s songs don’t sound repetitive, of course. I’m chasing after the mysteries of life —the spark of life. Eventually these little fellows will perch in a sculpture called “Birds at My Feeder,” (2019).