I’m busy preparing “Circuit Garden” for exhibition starting February 28 in the lobby of 5 Manhattan West in Hudson Yards… and I have therefore been remiss in updating my website… but Le Monde just published my painting “Vladimir Putin (the operational amplifier),” 2017: https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2022/02/04/amelie-zima-la-force-d-attraction-de-l-union-europeenne-en-ukraine-gene-vladimir-poutine_6112365_3210.html
Portrait of Appalachian woman /
Portrait of a middle aged Appalachian woman in her garden with handicraft, 2019
nostalgia /
Nostalgia, 2018. Digital photocollage
The Electrical Engineer /
The Electrical Engineer, 2018. Watercolor on joined paper, 30" x 33"
Kitty /
"Kitty," 2017. Acrylic on wood panel. 10" x 7.5"
I painted this little portrait of one of our cats, "Kitty," for my husband's Christmas present.
Digital girl (thumbing through the early teens) /
Sketch of a digital girl (thumbing through the early teens), 2017. Watercolor on paper
I continue to grapple with identity in the digital age. What happens to all of those selfies that we snap and upload all over the place? I can't access my data history on my iPhone 4 and that was less than 10 years ago. But woe to the teenagers of today, who are destined to revisit a public image record beyond their control.
Millennial Guy in a pink madras shirt /
Millennial Guy (in a pink madras shirt), 2017. Watercolor on paper
therapy session /
The Therapy Session, 2017. Watercolor sketch on paper