Digital sketch inspired by Tinder and other online dating forums. 2017
The Kiss /
The Kiss, 2017. Digital image (sketch) for mixed media production.
I continue to sketch in software to build up a portfolio of images, the best of which I will select for mixed media production. I am meanwhile developing a new technique that combines inkjet printing, image transfer, screen printing, and layered acrylic painting. My goal is to reproduce a multi-layered Photoshop aesthetic but with trace of the a human hand. Inkjet printing alone is not enough for me.
I've been studying Imago relationship theory lately. My readings inspired this image. Here's a summary of Imago pulled from Wikipedia:
"Imago therapy focuses on collaboratively healing childhood wounds couples share.[5] According to Hendrix and Hunt, the human brain has a compelling non-negotiable drive to restore feelings of aliveness and wholeness with which people came into the world.[9] It is believed by imago therapists that a person's brain constructs an image of characteristics from their primary caretakers including both their best and worst traits.[10] The brain's unconscious drive is to repair damage done in childhood, needs not met, by finding a partner who can give us what our caretakers failed to provide.[9] This is why traits of a future partner often reflect our parents' traits. Our unconscious drives towards this to seek healing and to resolve unresolved childhood wounds, in order to grow. In this way, wounds received by a person, from their parents, tend to be re-stimulated by new adult partners and potential partners. The re-stimulation triggers old, unresolved emotions. Both people in the relationship can learn how to heal one another, and appreciate each other for the person they are--and--it takes time. Couples must engage in a specific type of dialogue for Imago therapy to work. The conscious self may not be able to see and understand clearly the reflection of unresolved parental issues in his or her current marriage partner. Nonetheless, our unconscious connects with this person in its best (unconscious) effort to heal old wounds and allow love into your life again.[citation needed]"
A couple of old resistors /
A couple of old resistors, 2017. Colored pencil and gouache on paper