
The Moon by kelly heaton

Details of a new work in-progress: The Moon, inspired by Tarot.

spirit world: la sirena by kelly heaton

Costa Rican shallows
The Queen of Cups from the Rider Tarot Deck
Vishnu assumes his fish avatara, Matsya, holding the Shanka
La Sirena from Loteria

wild card: pura vida by kelly heaton

The Lovers, Arenal, Rincon de la Vieja, Cabuya (photo: Javier Quiros)

spirit world: the chariot by kelly heaton

Left to right: Apollo's Chariot by Odilon Redon; 16th c. illustration of Petrarch's Triumph of Eternity; evening cape by Elsa Schiaparelli and House of Lesage; The Chariot from the Rider-Waite Tarot deck (artist Pamela Coleman Smith)

inspiration: material girl monday by kelly heaton

Top row, from left to right: The Fool; Internet shopping; juggling limited finances
Bottom row, from left to right: The Fool overturned; detail from Jaro Hess' "The Land of Make Believe" (1930); the artist back at work.  Tarot cards are from the Rider deck.

spirit: coyote on the horizon by kelly heaton

Knight of pentacles, a messenger for matters of security; coyote, trickster and instigator of change that you are better to accept than fight against; Olive Oatman, pioneer who was captured and sold to the Mohave during the 1850s