
Human Electric by kelly heaton

Human Electric, 2017. Oil on canvas, 14" x 14"

Human Electric, 2017. Oil on canvas, 14" x 14"

As many of you know, I have been obsessed with electronics for decades. Electricity is amazing in its natural form: it is literally the spark of life. Electricity is amazing as a human tool: arguably the most important invention since fire, and possibly the catalyst for a new species of human being.

Here, I paint a still-life with vintage electronic components arranged in what is called a "breadboard" : a plug-and-play platform for engineers to design circuits. My components are arranged for purely aesthetic reasons... and aren't they beautiful? I love their human qualities. That's my hand holding the breadboard - with paint on it, of course.

open studio: wish you were here by kelly heaton

Wish You Were Here, 2016.  Digital photo collage.  Kelly Heaton

Vintage resistors hamming it up on a trashy beach.  The ocean is green due to toxic algal bloom, but never mind.  Electricity doesn't like water, anyway.