Quackery (The Electrical Anatomy of a Quacker), 2021
Studio soundscape /
Art&&Code /
Please join me Friday 1/15 at 6pm for a tour of my studio as part of “Art and Code: homemade.” This free online event is hosted by The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University. To register, visit: http://artandcode.com/homemade/register/
Perroquets /
Various prints from my screen printed, hand-painted, and foiled “Perroquets” series, nearly complete.
Screen printing Perroquets /
I’m almost finished with my screen print series, “Perroquets d’or et d’ombre,” a French-inspired scene of two lovebirds in an electronic cage. I’m passionate about making the most beautiful circuit boards in the world — to elevate printed electronics to a fine art form. Here I pull a layer of gooey and gold ink (solvent-based, hence the mask). The 19 prints in this series are all unique and hand-screened by yours truly. Each one has between 18 and 25 ink layers, plus hand-painted details and metallic foil. Available soon - stay tuned for images and message me if you’re interested to collect one.
The Making of a Pretty Bird /
The Making of a Pretty Bird, 2019. A series of 3 printed circuit boards each measuring 12” x 18”. Etched copper, gold electroplate, and silkscreen on epoxy laminate.
Created for a hotel in Chattanooga, TN, this series shows my process to make artistic printed circuit boards. The first panel contains my schematic diagram for a sound-generating circuit that “sings" like a bird. In the central panel, my electronic design has been translated into conductive copper metal --the essence of a functional circuit. Multiple production layers including copper, solder mask, silkscreen, and gold electroplate are assembled in the final panel to create a work of aesthetic and electronic art as seen here.
This work is available for purchase. For inquiries, please email me.
warbler studies /
Three studies of warblers for a new singing circuit (work in progress). The Red warbler lives in Mexico’s highlands, although its territory may become more northern as a consequence of climate change. The Cerulean warbler is considered to be at high risk of extinction due to human destruction of habitat. The Yellow warbler lives in North America and is thankfully not at risk for the moment.
+ Electrolier Virginia + packing for Mexico /
It’s been a marathon recently… just finished “Electrolier (September night in Virginia),” submitted by files for the 2018 Hackaday Prize, and now I’m packing for Mexico. Stay tuned for updates from the jungle of Quintana Roo!