Quackery (The Electrical Anatomy of a Quacker), 2021
Anatomy of an obsolete moth /
I've spent the past several days heat-bending laser cut acrylic into the shape of moth trails (more on that to come)... and at some point, it occurred to me that I have to redesign all of my electronic animals to accommodate a master controller with a custom remote control. I am fatigued by serious engineering and wanting to make more emotional art, but that might not happen for a while longer. Here is an obsolete moth circuit to express my mood.
open studio: who /
Detail of "Who," 2016. Colored pencil, graphite, and gouache on paper.
I continue to study electronic circuit design as a means to represent the "energy anatomy" of a human being. In this drawing, "Who," I have constructed each chakra of the body using a simple circuit designed to manifest the corresponding energy. In the above detail, you can see the solar plexus, heart, throat, mind, and crown chakras (in ascending order). In the coming weeks, I'll be working on sculptural studies of the chakras; and I will explain my reasons in greater detail.