Peace on Earth, goodwill to all. Digital photo. Kelly Heaton, 2015
I'll be on vacation until the first week of January, 2016. Happy holidays!
Peace on Earth, goodwill to all. Digital photo. Kelly Heaton, 2015
I'll be on vacation until the first week of January, 2016. Happy holidays!
Top row, left to right: full negative of the Shroud of Turin; Gulliver's Travels theme park in Japan (abandoned); K. Heaton's portrait of Jesus Christ (detail); Guido Galetti's Christ of the Abyss.
Bottom row, left to right: film still from Jean Cocteau's Orphee; Goya's Will She Rise Again?; The Infant Krishna Floating on the Cosmic Ocean; abandoned power plant in Belgium (photo: Matthias Haker)