Horse Girl, 2016. Digital photocollage. Kelly Heaton
Seeing the world differently. Chakric image compilation of photos, some of which were taken through colored and mirrored lenses; others were taken through a glass of water.
Horse Girl, 2016. Digital photocollage. Kelly Heaton
Seeing the world differently. Chakric image compilation of photos, some of which were taken through colored and mirrored lenses; others were taken through a glass of water.
EU Watchdog Daemon, 2016. Digital photocollage. Kelly Heaton
Wake up, the system is at risk. Heighten intelligence and diagnostics to avert colony collapse disorder.
Oil drums, 2016. Digital photo collage. Kelly Heaton
A mountain of empty oil drums are a drum circle waiting to happen.
A beautiful future. Digital photo collage (sketch) for landscape electronics. Kelly Heaton, 2016
Peace on Earth, goodwill to all. Digital photo. Kelly Heaton, 2015
I'll be on vacation until the first week of January, 2016. Happy holidays!
Harbingers, 2015. Digital photo-collage. Kelly Heaton
Consumerism, pollution, dependence on fossil fuels, e-waste, climate change, off-shore garbage disposal, inequity of access to Earth's basic natural resources, manmade illness, children raised in ecological poverty, living conditions for future earthlings, the heaven that is natural Earth ...
A young woman with her phone. Digital photo collage. Kelly Heaton, 2015
An artifact of the Anthropocene era: a young woman with her phone. Artists used to sculpt marble statues from a live model, often a woman of ill repute. Now, artists model statues in Photoshop using pictures of women who post themselves on the Internet. For the record, I made my "statue" from a composite of several women, so it does not represent a real person.
Selfie on the Raft of Medusa, 2015. Digital photo collage. Kelly Heaton
I made this photo-collage, "Selfie on the Raft of Medusa," 2015, after Theodore Gericault's epic painting, "The Raft of the Medusa," 1818-1819. Gericault portrays the hastily constructed life raft of the Medusa, a French naval frigate that wrecked in 1816 killing most of her crew and creating an uproar over the perceived incompetence of the French monarchy. It's one of the greatest paintings in history.
Joseph Campbell attributes the myth of Medusa to "an actual historic rupture, a sort of sociological trauma, which has been registered in this myth, much as what Freud terms the latent content of a neurosis is registered in the manifest content of a dream: registered yet hidden, registered in the unconscious yet unknown or misconstrued by the conscious mind."
Medusa: rage of the feminine principle. She speaks to me right now. She speaks of frustration with human self-absorption, abuse of Mother Earth, dependence on fossil fuels and electricity, and hubris.
Jack London quotes Benjamin de Casseres in 1914: "The profoundest instinct in man is to war against the truth; that is, against the Real. He shuns facts from his infancy. His life is a perpetual evasion. Miracle, chimera and to-morrow keep him alive. He lives on fiction and myth. It is the Lie that sets him free."