
Human electric by kelly heaton

Masks for COVID-19, June 2020.

Connect, lovers! The mind is our most powerful erogenous zone. Overcome interpersonal differences with respect. Honor the energy that binds us together in unity. We are leaving Gemini season and entering emotional Cancer at a time of massive astrological upheaval - a crucible for personal transformation and new growth. Let this time of social distancing bring us closer in emotional intimacy.

Symmetry = anatomy by kelly heaton

A few more studies using photographs found on the Internet. I have applied symmetry to the photos, and suddenly the wires appear to have an anatomy.

Going Online by kelly heaton

Heaton_Going Online, 2017

Consider the physical and software prep work that we do to create our social media presence. As the Internet progressively invades our psyche, online identity is a major component of ego. Are we the same person in physical reality as we are online, or is there a new dichotomy of self? Where is the real me?

open studio: no water by kelly heaton

No Water, 2016.  Digital photo collage.  Kelly Heaton

We had an old horse colic today.  Vet says not enough water and dry hay are to blame.  Fortunately, we helped him through it and he's going to be OK.  The scare got me thinking about this image, made for entirely different concerns about no water on earth.  Or water in all the wrong places.