
Chickadee and sparrow by kelly heaton

I continue to model and assemble paper birds for a large sculptural rendition of my winter feeder. Here’s a chickadee and sparrow. The birds

open studio: snow birds at my feeder by kelly heaton

Snow Birds at My Feeder, 2016. Digital photocollage (sketch). Kelly Heaton

We got three feet of snow this weekend.  After two days of slogging and shoveling, I am finally able to appreciate the beauty.  Birds are going crazy at my feeder.  It's beautiful to watch their colorful flittering and flight against the snowy background.

inspiration: when hay freezes over by kelly heaton

I forgot to turn off water to the horse trough.  Wet hay froze on the ground nearby - beautiful.

wild card: i'm melting by kelly heaton

Please be Spring soon