Kundalini, 2018 (detail). Watercolor, acrylic, and analog electronics on paper. 15" x 11" x 3"
Big blinkers /
Astable multivibrator with big blinkers (can't touch this woman), 2018. Watercolor sketch on joined paper.
open studio: who /
Detail of "Who," 2016. Colored pencil, graphite, and gouache on paper.
I continue to study electronic circuit design as a means to represent the "energy anatomy" of a human being. In this drawing, "Who," I have constructed each chakra of the body using a simple circuit designed to manifest the corresponding energy. In the above detail, you can see the solar plexus, heart, throat, mind, and crown chakras (in ascending order). In the coming weeks, I'll be working on sculptural studies of the chakras; and I will explain my reasons in greater detail.
open studio: detail of drawing in progress /
open studio: study for a chakra totem /
Study for a chakra totem, 2016
Notebook sketch and circuit diagram for each of the seven human chakras compiled in a single sculptural totem. The drawing reads from the bottom of the left page to the top; resuming at the bottom of the right page and ending at the top. The circuit design for each of the chakras relates to the energy of that center. The root chakra provides positive energy, ground, and negative energy. The sex chakra lights an LED, the intensity of which is determined by a heat-sensitive thermistor. The gut chakra is not really its own circuit, but I honestly cannot understand why the gut is not included in the 7 primary chakras. Anyway, here it is a looping intestine of wires. The solar plexus chakra illuminates according to ambient signals detected by a piezo electric sensor. The heart chakra is an astable multivibrator with asymmetric capacitors, producing a pulsing light like the beating of a heart. The throat chakra is a speaker driven by the mind and crown chakras (although I should really couple in signals from lower energy centers). The speaker is driven by mind and crown frequencies that are summed in the mind. The mind also contains a timer circuit to generate its own adjustable and mostly digital rhythm. The crown chakra is a simple crystal radio receiver.
open studio: horse girl /
Horse Girl, 2016. Digital photocollage. Kelly Heaton
Seeing the world differently. Chakric image compilation of photos, some of which were taken through colored and mirrored lenses; others were taken through a glass of water.
open studio: pollen, perfume, art /
Working today on body pollen and chakra-inspired perfumes. Here's a view onto my artistic perfume bench, a happy and fragrant chaos. The images, pollen, tools and scents are from my perfume painting kit, Bee The Flower (2015)
open studio: building the throat chakra /
The Beekeeper is a large sculptural work-in-progress, to be exhibited as part of Pollination in September 2015. It is comprised of seven or eight chakras. Here, I am building the throat chakra out of brass. In the center (4th image) is a low RPM / high-torque motor that turns the throat, pineal and heart chakras. The pineal and heart chakras are not shown in these images, but will be featured in later posts.