
Kundalini, 2018 by kelly heaton

Kundalini, 2018 (detail). Watercolor, acrylic, and analog electronics on paper. 15" x 11" x 3"

Kundalini, 2018 (detail). Watercolor, acrylic, and analog electronics on paper. 15" x 11" x 3"

open studio: garden bodhisattva (tomatoes) by kelly heaton

A garden bodhisattva as seen in my last summer's tomato plants.  Watercolor, ink, brass, clay, acrylic and vines on joined paper (with a rigid backing), 53" x 38" x 4", 2013 - 2015
Below are two details of the sculptural surface.

pollinators: bienenhaus by kelly heaton

Swiss German, German and Slovenian apiaries; Tibetan and Nepalese prayer flags